Monday, December 31, 2012

Library books

Books and more books; just the other day I was in line at the grocery store when the person in front of me made a comment about the fact that no one really goes to the library anymore especially with e-readers around. I thought to myself, I love my library! I like the people that work there and I enjoy perusing the shelves for what seems like hours and hours. The library is not passé and in my opinion is more de rigueur than ever. I understand that e-books are great too but holding a book in your hand is nice. My library has a fairly large collection of e-readers but I still gravitate toward the book section. 

Here's a smattering of my latest library books.  The Elegant Universe (2nd from the top) won the Royal Society Prize for nonfiction in 2000. Brian Greene a physicist, seems to capture a wider crowd when he discusses the dimensions of the universe. Reminds me of Brian Cox who does a BBC series called the Wonders of the Universe. I happened to watch part of the video but will rent again to finish.

Schools, schools, and more schools

My youngest in the clan is a senior in high school and so we have been college shopping for the last few months. We did a massive tour earlier in the spring ’12 along the east coast up to Massachusetts and into New York. It is really fun doing the tours because each time has been vastly different that the time before. And, it helps that she really knows when to say STOP when I become too opinionated. The one thing I have learned through lots of trial and error is that things do work out and they will go off to college and end up just fine. But it’s in those days where you see them pining away for the Ivy league dream that you have to wonder, is it really worth all of the worry? When I was applying to college back in the 70s, it was a fairly simple process.  Study, take SAT once maybe twice then apply to three schools and go. Done. Well not so simple anymore but I have to say that my kids have all been happy with their college choices and that’s what counts in the end.

So, why am I writing a blog?

So why am I writing a blog? Why do I need to add to the world of numerous blogs and what do I need to say that someone hasn’t said already? Well for one I will give my list of books with a small critique on each one. Next, I will share my passion for cooking and share what I know is tried and true in the kitchen. Lastly, I feel that the older I get the more I need to share my voice with just about anyone who wants to listen. Maybe it’s passing on bits and pieces of wisdom that triggers a thought that others may find interesting.By the way, editing a blog is rather funny because the stream of consciousness writing is hard to control. Not at all like graduate school where my second drafts had so much red ink I could barely read the corrections. So forgive me if my writing is sub-par at times. I am trying to get out all of my thoughts.

New insights

I really do enjoy reading books, magazines, and newspapers, but reading blogs has caught my attention in the past couple of years mainly because they are little vignettes of everyday life. Blogs change quickly and offer new and interesting ideas on many different topics. For instance, fashion blogs can keep us up on the latest trends and give tons of options when we need to find that special something to wear. But blogs in general follow very distinct and personal journeys. I have decided to try my hand at writing a blog because I'm interested in a variety of things that might be fun to share with others.

I have been married to a terrific guy for nearly 30 years, and mother of four great children ages 26, 23, 20, and 17.  And last but certainly never the least is Cloe, our 11 year old Labrador Retriever. So, without further ado, my blog.